The Polish International Studies Association
together with
The Faculty of International and Political Studies at the Jagiellonian University
The Institute of Political Science and International Relations at the Jagiellonian University
invite you to participate in the:
Think globally, Act Regionally:
Regional Systems in the Perspective of International Studies
Kraków, November 9-10, 2017
The aim of the 7th Convention of the Polish International Studies Association is to analyze the role of regional studies (also known as area studies) in the study of international relations. The Convention aims at providing an interdisciplinary analysis (characteristic for area studies) of regionalism and regional systems in international studies.
Thematic scope of the Convention: Regional/area studies (understood in a broad context):
- African studies;
- American studies (studies of North America and Latin America);
- Asian studies (Middle East and East Asia);
- European Studies (including studies of Central and Eastern Europe);
- Post-Soviet area studies.
The above classification of regional studies and regional systems is not exhaustive.
Proposed research topics:
- Analysis of the origins of regionalism in international relations (security and economic dimensions);
- Criteria for distinguishing and constructing regions;
- Regions in terms of space and places;
- Concepts of regionality and regionness, and state and regional identity;
- Regionalism in foreign policies of selected states;
- Institutionalization of regional processes;
- Analysis of regionalism in systemic categories: state, regional system, international system;
- Regionalism and international order;
- Regional economic integration;
- Regional systems – security complexes;
- Maritime regionalism;
- Comparative analysis of regional systems;
- The European Union – A diagnosis of the state of integration;
- Regionalism and theories of international relations.
Application Form
Call for Papers is opened until October 4, 2017, Paper proposals can be submitted via the online application form: PAPER SUBMISSION, 7th PISA Convention. Paper proposals may be submitted in Polish or English.
When submitting a paper, please select the appropriate panel (list provided in the application form).
Papers submitted without indication of a specific panel will be combined into panels depending on the issue addressed.
You can find more information on our the PISA Convention 2017 website. In case of any questions, please contact us at +48 607 242 245 or by email at: